Community Unveiling Honors Those Laid to Rest

The Staff and Board of Directors of the Jewish Cemetery & Burial Association of Greater Pittsburgh extends our deepest gratitude to each of you who joined us for the Community Unveiling on Sunday, August 25th at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery to honor those who were laid to rest in the last year. Your presence was a powerful reminder of the strength and unity of our community and the importance of this great mitzvah.You helped to honor the memories of those who may have otherwise not had family members to do so and those who can never repay or say thank you.
We are grateful for our partners in our burials at Chesed Shel Emeth, including Ralph Schugar Chapel, Urbach Memorials, Rabbi Seidman, and our generous donors.
The Jewish Cemetery & Burial Association is the community’s response to a vital need—providing dignified burials to Jews in need and preserving Jewish cemeteries in accordance with our laws and customs. Please consider supporting this work with a gift today.